Friday, February 18, 2011

Playlist for 2-17-11

Hey folks,

Here's another short and sweet playlist, due to basketball preemption. Let this be a reminder to you to treasure the ones you love, because your time with them could be cut short at any time due to basketball preemption.

The musics:

Things that Are Square 2-17-11

(*) = New release

(*) Akron/Family - Islands - S/T II: The Cosmic Birth and Journey of Shinju TNT

(*) Banjo Or Freakout - 105 - Banjo or Freakout
Ballboy - They'll Hang Flags From Cranes Upon My Wedding Day - Club Anthems
Sebadoh - Skull - Bakesale
Yo La Tengo - Nothing to Hide - Popular Songs

(*) Yuck - The Wall - Yuck
Liars - Grown Men Don't Fall in the River Just Like That - They Threw Us All in a Trench and Stuck a Monument on Top
The Rapture - Echoes - Echoes
Les Savy Fav - We'll Make a Lover of You - Inches

Subtle - Falling - Yell & Ice
Cadence Weapon - The Suburbs - Tron Legacy: The Mixtape
!!! - Bend Over Beethoven - Myth Takes


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