Monday, June 6, 2011

OBCBYL: Mudhoney

It's the second-to-last entry in the Things that Are Square celebration of the 10th anniversary of Our Band Could Be Your Life. Up next: Mudhoney

Mudhoney are probably best "known" as being the biggest grunge band to never get big in the grunge explosion. Heck, two of the band's members were in Green River, arguably the first grunge band, with members of Pearl Jam. Some fairly sterling credentials, obviously. But, I will be honest and say that these dudes are not my favorite band in OBCBYL. In fact, I'm convinced they're only really included to a) illustrate the beginning of the grunge movement, b) set up the rise of Nirvana. Though, they do have at least one solid release under their belt with the "Superfuzz Bigmuff" EP (later released to include many of their solid early singles). Though, even though I'm not totally into the band, I do appreciate their Rainier-swilling guitar caveman-ery. Beer and there anything else so sweet?


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