Wednesday, March 30, 2011

OBCBYL: Hüsker Dü

We press on in the Things that Are Square celebration of the 10th anniversary of Our Band Could Be Your Life!: Hüsker Dü This is another one of those bands that didn't click with me the first time I read through this book about a decade ago. I wasn't quite ready for the "classic rock-informed popsongs buried under a thick veneer of hardcore/noise" style of the 'Dü. And you know what, they're still only a band I'm just getting into. But I will definitely recognize their importance to the things I am already into. Like Mission of Burma, they took a snotty punk attitude and showed the music world that punk and songwriting could be fused, and their more mature take on this new kind of music helped give birth to "college rock" and, thus, a million other bands I adore. They were also one of the first indie bands to jump over to a major label which helped establish a mass appeal to "non-mainstream" music (but also gave rise to the ages-old debate of indie bands "selling out.") But, I'm sure we'll discuss this band further when I get a better grip on 'em. And, as with the rest of these bands, I'll be doing a feature on them at some future radio show. If you have a favorite, please suggest it. I want to play your favorite songs.


Blogger matty said...

Pink Turns to Blue is prolly my fave...maybe everything on New Day Rising. but also, "Diane".

April 1, 2011 at 11:46 PM  
Blogger HavaB said...

Personal Favorite? "Divide and Conquer". Runner up: "Celebrated Summer"

April 2, 2011 at 2:15 PM  
Blogger Kyle! said...

Sweet. I can play all of these. Thanks, folks. Good requests make planning a show way easier. Haha.

April 4, 2011 at 1:54 PM  

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