Hey folks,
Even though this week has been totally rad (show by
The Flaming Lips at Hollywood Forever,
Moon Pearl show down in SD, getting to sing backup for
The Endless Bummer, watching "Bridesmaids" with my band-mates, etc etc.) I am totally glad it's Friday, and time for the freakin' weekend. baby. Fun can be tiring, too. And that includes the show I did last night, which was fun. Hope you dug it. It looked like this:
Things that Are Square 6-16-11
(*) = New release
Belle and Sebastian - This Is Just a Modern Rock Song - Push Barman to Open Old Wounds
Bill Callahan - Drover - Apocalypse
Lambchop - The Decline of Country and Western Civilization - Damaged
Songs: Ohia - Nervous Bride - The Lioness
Thurston Moore - Benediction - Demolished Thoughts
Efrim Manuel Menuck - Our Lady of Parc Extension and Her
Munificent Sorrows - ...Plays "High Gospel"
EMA - Marked - Past Life Martyred Saints
The Antlers - I Don't Want Love - Burst Apart
John Maus - Believer - We Must Become the Pitiless Censors of Ourselves
Idiot Glee - Don't Go Out Tonight - Paddywhack
The Endless Bummer - Nunavut - Modern American Calypsos for Voice and Computer
Gigi - Dreams of Romance - Maintenant
The Olivia Tremor Control - NYC-25 - Dusk at Cubist Castle
Guided by Voices - Tractor Rape Chain - Bee Thousand
Dash Jacket - Anna Says - Atoner
The Crabs - Love & Hate - What Were Flames Now Smolder
Shannon and the Clams - Baby Don't Do It - Sleep Talk
Marnie Stern - Prime - This Is It and I Am It and You Are It and So Is
That and He Is It and She Is It and It Is It and That Is That
Shellac - A Minute - At Action Park
Fidlar - Wait for the Man - FIDLAR
Peach Kelli Pop - Doo Wah Diddy - Peach Kelli Pop
Fugazi - Waiting Room - 13 Songs
Fugazi - Cashout - The Argument
Fugazi - Suggestion - 13 Songs
Fugazi - Public Witness Program - In on the Killtaker
Fucked Up - The Other Shoe - David Comes to Life
Mission of Burma - That's How I Escaped My Certain Fate - Vs.