Playlist for 4-26-12

Hey folks!
I hope you were able to tune in last night and participate in our fund drive, which helps keep KUCI commercial-free, uncorrupted by business interests, and community-minded. If you would like to support independent radio, you can go to KUCI.ORG and donate with your credit card (securely) on-line, or call 949-824-5824 sometime before May 4th to donate. Any amount helps. Really. We have modest fund-raising targets. We are a simple people with simple goals.
You'd be supporting music that sounds like this:
Things that Are Square 4-26-12
(*) = New release
(*) Allo Darlin' - Capricornia - Europe
Woods - Rain On - Songs of Shame
Pavement - Spit on a Stranger - Terror Twilight
Bill Callahan - Drover - Apocalypse
(*) Spiritualized - I Am What I Am - Sweet Heart, Sweet Light
(*) La Sera - Please Be My Third Eye - Sees the Light
(*) Grimes - Oblivion - Visions
(*) Zammuto - Idiom Wind - Zammuto
Manitoba - I've Lived on a Dirt Road All My Life - Up in Flames
(*) Moonface with Siinai - Yesterday's Fire - Heartbreaking Bravery
Thee Oh Sees - The Dream - Carrion Crawler/The Dream EP
Black Eyes - Someone Has His Fingers Broken - Black Eyes
The Blood Brothers - Crimes - Crimes
(*) Perfume Genius - Normal Song - Put Your Back N 2 It
(*) Xiu Xiu - Always - Xiu Xiu/Dirty Beaches 7"
Evangelicals - You've Been Flirting Again - Enjoy: A Tribute to Björk's "Post"
(*) Xiu Xiu - Always - Xiu Xiu/Dirty Beaches 7"
Evangelicals - You've Been Flirting Again - Enjoy: A Tribute to Björk's "Post"
(*) AU - Solid Gold - Both Lights
Liars - We Fenced Other Gardens with the Bones of Our Own - They Were Wrong So We Drowned
The Microphones - The Glow, Pt 2 - The Glow, Pt 2
Liars - We Fenced Other Gardens with the Bones of Our Own - They Were Wrong So We Drowned
The Microphones - The Glow, Pt 2 - The Glow, Pt 2
Big Black - Kerosene - The Rich Man's Eight Track Tape